This small village was abandoned during World War II and has been stuck in a time warp since. Kolmanskop, Namibia – by jbdodane:Flickr Kolmanskop, Namibia – by jbdodane:Flickr Kolmanskop, Namibia – by VoY_TeC:Flickr Tyneham, Dorset, England Though the arid desert sands have been creeping into every corner of the buildings, the lack of moisture means that organic material won’t decomposes as fast. That climate is also why the town is so well-preserved. The town is what remains of the diamond boom in the early 1900s and now abandoned. In 1908, the railway worker Zacharias Lewala found a diamond in the sand, the news spread like wildfire, causing fortune hunters to converge in droves on Kolmanskop. Kolmanskop is Namibia‘s most famous ghost town, and is situated in the Sperrgebiet, (forbidden territory) a few kilometers inland from the port of Luderitz. Pyramiden, Svalbard, Norway – by alvaroprieto:Flickr Pyramiden, Svalbard, Norway – by Jerrold Bennett – Jerrold:Flickr Kolmanskop, Namibia

Pyramided is an archipelago situated between Norway and the North Pole, it can be reached by boat from about mid-May until the beginning of October when waters bordering the town are free from sea ice. This outpost in the high north looks much as it did when it was abandoned in 1998, providing visitors with a glimpse into Soviet-era life and culture. For safety reasons you have to stay close to the guide during your stay, the guide always carries a gun in case a polar bear should visit the ghost town. Bodie, California, USA – by Ed Follow Desert Rider:Flickr Pyramiden, Svalbard, Norway At one point, there were 65 saloons at Bodie, a red light district and a Chinatown.

Located in the eastern slopes of the Sierra, close to the Nevada border, Bodie is an original mining town from the late 1800’s. In 1880, the town had nearly 8000 residents. The discovery of several rich gold veins in 1876 started a rush to Bodie. St Elmo, Colorado – by Jeffrey Beall :Flickr Bodie, California, US As soon as the number of houses, hotels and stores warranted, the town was incorporated with a new name, Saint Elmo. Today it is one of the most preserved ghost towns in Colorado with numerous business structures and cabins. Elmo, Colorado, USīuilt in 1878 in a heavily forested area, the town was first called Forrest City. Varosha, Cyprus – by Yoda1893:Wikimedia St.
The rich and famous were drawn by some of the best beaches on the island. But in 1974, the town was invaded by Turkish troops and its population of 40,000 disappeared. Homes still have closets full of clothes, cabinets full of dishes, and there is even a car dealership still stocked with ‘brand new’ 1974 model-year cars. Dozens of hotels along the coastline sit empty with broken windows exposing fully-furnished rooms to the elements. Varosha, Cyprusīefore the division of Cyprus in 1974, Varosha – a resort in Famagusta – was booming. So, as it turns out, there is actually hundreds of ghost towns dotted around the globe, places that seem to have been forgotten by mankind and even time itself. Take a scroll down this collection of creepy, awe-inspiring 10 Incredible Ghost Towns Worth Visiting.